Sharepoint 2007: list calculated column calculate days between 2 dates


For a Sharepoint 2007 list

I would like to have a calculated column that calculates the days between 2 dates.


  • We have a Sharepoint 2007 list
  • We have at least “design” level permission (Can create lists and document libraries and edit pages in the Web site)  to the site where the list is located
  • we have 1 column called  [Scheduled GMT] (default 

We now go to -> Settings ->  List Settings -> create column

  1. give the column a name “ex: Days left”
  2. The type of information in this column is: “Calculated (calculation based on other columns)”
  3. in the Formula field insert:”=IF(ISERROR(DATEDIF([Scheduled GMT],[start_date],”d”)),DATEDIF([start_date],[Scheduled GMT],”d”),-DATEDIF([Scheduled GMT],[start_date],”d”))”Where [Scheduled GMT] is the column with the GMT Time and [start_date] is the column with a start date for the calculation.
  4. Add the new column to your view of choice to see the automatically calculated days between the 2 dates.


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