(Obsolete) CentOS 6.x / Nginx / Zpanel: Install Zpanel with Nginx on Centos 6.x server (and a few additional modules)


Obsolete, do not use. A) Zpanel is not designed for Nginx b) Zpanel has moved on and is forked as http://sentora.io/

Full credit for the first part goes to khanhicetea http://blog.ndksolution.com/install-zpanel-nginx-with-nginx-integrated/ Installation zpanal module add-ons zppy commands Troubleshooting

Step 1 : Disabled SELinux by changing /etc/sysconfig/selinux with


Step 2 : Reboot server.


Step 3 : Become root and download the installer script :

su - root
cd /tmp
wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/120005387/zpanel/installer.sh

Step 4 : Run it

chmod +x installer.sh

Step 5 : Follow instruction to install

Step 6 : Reboot server again


Step 7 : Login in to ZPanel and set Enabled NGINX Module.

Browse to http://ipadressoftheserver
login with the details from the install script

Step 8 : increase file limit in PHP

vi /etc/php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 60M #or whatever you want


service php-fpm restart
service nginx restart

Step 9: Afterwards install additional Modules A list of Zpanel Repos could be found here http://forums.zpanelcp.com/thread-8147.html Alternative list of available modules http://docs.zpanelcp.com/?node=42 Overview http://forums.zpanelcp.com/forum-32.html In the shell …. Install ZPanel Repository Browser also named Rustus’ Repo Browser

zppy repo add rustus.txt-clan.com
zppy update
zppy install repo_browser
To Upgrade:
zppy upgrade repo_browser

You could now either add the following repos to the repo-browser gui or else manually install as per below guide. list of all repos for repo browser


Install Zantasticox Module

zppy repo add modules.zpanelcp.com/repo
zppy update
zppy install zantasticox
To Upgrade:
zppy upgrade zantasticox

Install BindHub Dynamic DNS Module

zppy repo add repo.bindhub.com
zppy update
zppy install bindhubupdater

Install /update Phpmyadmin

sudo zppy repo add zppy.alineofcode.co.uk
sudo zppy update
sudo zppy remove phpmyadmin
sudo zppy install phpmyadmin

Install AjaXplorer

zppy repo add zppy.alineofcode.co.uk
zppy update
zppy install ajaxplorer
To adjust your upload limit edit your /etc/php.ini and search for lines:


vi /etc/php.ini

Install ZGodX module (Zpanel God mode to see all and everything

zppy repo add repo.jkmods.tk 
zppy update
zppy install zgodx

Install Domain Hosting Transfer Module

zppy repo add zpx.imerlabs.com
zppy update
zppy install transfer_domain

Install ZPX Support Ticket Module (Linux)

zppy repo add zpxmod.net.tf/filebox/zpp
zppy update
zppy install support_ticket2

Install ZPX SSH Administrator Console Module

zppy repo add zpxmod.net.tf/filebox/zpp
zppy update
zppy install ssh_module

Install ZShell

zppy repo add dtrepair.com/modules
zppy repo add dtrepair.com/modules/ballen
zppy update
zppy install zshell

Install Rustus Plugins (repo Browser, zp_dropbox, system_logviewer, Kae’s File Manager, Visitor Stats)

zppy repo add rustus.txt-clan.com
zppy update
zppy install repo_browser
zppy install zp_dropbox
zppy install system_logviewer
zppy install kfm
zppy install ftp_browser
zppy install visitor_stats
Install Ballen’s ZPanelX Modules (Power Plug, SQLBuddy, Optomiza)

zppy update
zppy install powerplug
zppy install sqlbuddy
zppy install optomiza
Install AW Stats – awstats.sourceforge.net

Notes: – This module will increase the amount of time that it takes for the ZPanel Daemon to complete because of the amount of string processing that takes place. Installation 1. Download the module here aw_stats.zpp 2. Log into ZPanel as an administrator 3. Navigate to Admin -> Module Admin 4. Scroll to the bottom where Install a new module is 5. choose the aw_stats.zpp module that was downloaded and submit 6. Set the module as visible to your preferences (Administrators, Resellers, Users) in the Module Admiin 7. Either wait for the daemon to run or you can manually run the daemon Install Shell Install Console Install Filemanager Install …. ModPluz http://forums.zpanelcp.com/thread-6222.html

zppy repo add zpx.imerlabs.com
zppy update
Domain Forwarder This module helps with domain forwarding on your ZPanel installation by adding your forwards to the vhosts configuration.

zppy install domain_forwarder

xBilling This is a ZPanel billing module that comes with the following features: Please download setup manual here.

  • Free Domain Hosting.
  • Premium Domain Hosting.
  • Free Hosting Packages.
  • Hosting Package Service Periods.
  • Payment Methods/Options.
  • Orders/Invoices Management.
  • re-Captcha Enable/Disable.
  • PayPal Integration by default.
  • Can and will be extended for additional Payment Gateways in future.
  • Can be used independently by all “Administrators” and “Resellers”.
  • Front-end billing package provided.
  • Added feature to Create New User Account and Domain from the module.
zppy install xbilling

To install “My Invoices”:

zppy install myinvoices

zppy commands:

ZPanel Package Manager
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2013 ZPanel Project


Usage: zppy [action] [modulename]
 install [modulename]- Install a named module.
 upgrade [modulename]- Updates a named module.
 update - Updates local avaliable package list.
 remove [modulename] (-y) - Remove a named module. (Optional supress confirm)
 repo add [fqdn]- Adds a package repository.
 repo remove [fqdn]- Removes a package repository.
 repo list - Displays all your current avaliable package repositories.
 checkperms - Checks permissions on the cache files.
 --version - Displays the Zpanel version
 --help - Displays this text.

Troubleshooting As per khanhicetea if you have some gd.so errors and dont need it for image processing: Step 1 :

sudo vi /etc/php.d/gd.ini

Step 2 : comment second line to


Step 3 : restart php-fpm via

sudo service php-fpm restart


18 thoughts on “(Obsolete) CentOS 6.x / Nginx / Zpanel: Install Zpanel with Nginx on Centos 6.x server (and a few additional modules)

    1. Primarily taken over from the original source.
      But also try and error. I had too many weird issues with SELinux enabled where it took me hours to spot why something didn’t work if its not SELInux aware. I tend to disable SELinux, install whatever and then re enable when needed and deal with SELInux afterwards.

        1. Ok I see. You must have missed an important step in the setup script.

          after the mysql configuration where it asks you for the database password the script pases you for the hostname and IP Address of the server.

          installation should now be secure.

          Thanks for using MySQL!

          Enter root mysql password : xxxxxxxxx

          Importing data ….

          Enter your server name :
          Enter your IP server :


          this is the part where nginx configures itself to respond to the ip address with the admin panel.

          1) if you set somewhere in your nginx config the server IP as default then nginx will respond to that Ip. check your /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf that there is not the servers IP adress but something like

          server {

          listen 80;

          server_name localhost;


          nginx zpanel is configured here


          there should be something like

          server {

          listen 80;


          makes sense ?

          1. I’ve done that .. and that makes me wonder why when using this script no deposit zpanel password, mysql etc.. whereas when I use the automatic install there. This is a sign of its installation zpanel + nginx not perfect ..???
            The following pictures that I took: http://postimg.org/image/3z04230b3/

  1. I haven’t had that myself but I would think that the issue is the last daemon run.

    in zpanel , goto “Server admin” -> “ZPanel Config” at the bottom
    ZPanel Daemon
    check for
    Last Daemon Run: I assume that one didn’t run every 10 minutes as its supposed to.

    Queue a full daemon run (reset):

    1. I believe the script does not modify the dns config.
      I use only an external DNS Server so I haven’t worked on that config.
      You will need to search for some howtos about dns config.

    1. Hell, just spotted I need to mark this as obsolete.
      Zpanel is discontinued and now forked as .
      it doesnt work well with nginx.
      Make sure everything around zpanel is deleted from the host.
      find / -name “zpanel*”

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