Ubuntu 22.04 – Gnome Hacks – Minimize Apps on Click


Ubuntu 22.04 minimize Apps in Dock to bring them in or out fo focus

This came from a previous Ubuntu version tip but also works on my fresh installed Ubuntu 22.04 with Gnome 42

I’m used to being able to click on the Ubuntu Dock (sidebar) on any app icon to minimize and or maximize it (call it to get it in and out of focus. That has to be enabled from the command line.

Just open the Terminal window and run the following command:

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action 'minimize'

If you don’t like that outcome, you can undo by using

gsettings reset org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action

This change will come into effect immediate, there is no need to reboot. Enjoy it

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