Windows – Check the battery charging cycle and health


Just looked into an issue that my laptop battery seems to not charge enough properly or at all.

A first check for the battery health could be delivered by a native windows 7 / windows 8 tool.

1)      Plug in the power supply to the laptop to charge it to full.

2)      The open the command prompt as administrator. To do so
click on “Start” or the “Start menu button”
In the search box type “cmd” and right click the “cmd result” and “Run as Administrator”

3)      In the command box, type: “powercfg –energy –output c:\energy-report.html
This will take now a while it investigates and write the html report on your c;\ harddrive.

4)      Use explorer and double-click the energy-report.html to open it in a browser.

5)      Scroll down to a section called “Battery:Battery Information”
There you will find:
Battery ID
Serial Number
Long Term
Design Capacity                52304
Last Full Charge               360

Clear indication my battery is a goner and I should look for a new one.

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